My Life My Union: Jiayi Li McCarthy

Name: Jiayi Li McCarthy
Occupation: Cashier
Union: United Food and Commercial Worker’s Local 1518

“My union has been there to support me”

I moved from China in 2006 in search of more job opportunities and to be with my husband. Once I moved to Canada I started working as a customer Service Clerk at a Safeway in New Westminster, where I was badly injured on the job.
I was helping a customer carry bags of groceries, and was also carrying a big case of water that fell on my knee causing the injury.
Luckily, I contacted my Union Representative right away and the union fought hard on my behalf to make sure I was covered by Workers Compensation (WCB). Thanks to the union, my rights were protected, my knee surgery was paid for, and I was being paid my regular wage by WCB.
WCB eventually stopped paying me, and because I was off work for more than a year after my surgery, this caused a large problem as I wasn’t being paid for this whole time. Once again I spoke to my union who fought to uphold my rights and get me back on WCB, and I was then paid my regular wage for the rest of the time I was off work.
As a result of being injured as a Service Clerk, I am now able to work as a Cashier because of laws protecting injured workers known as “duty to accommodate” - laws that my union fought for to provide basic protections for workers like me who are injured and lose their job through no fault of their own.
I’ve been a UFCW 1518 member for over three years, and throughout this time I’ve seen first hand the benefits of being a union member. If I had been non-union I would have had to spend lots of money and time to fight with WCB and would have had to pay for my medical bills.
The union has always been there to support me.
When you need help, you can ask the union anything and know you’ll get a truthful response. As a new worker you may not know what you are required to do or if you are being treated fairly, but the union can always answer your questions. Talking to the union is like talking to a good friend you can trust. The union can tell you if you are qualified for certain benefits and what you need to do to acquire them like in my case with WCB.
Finally, as a union member I get better wages and benefits including dental and medical care.
I feel lucky I work at Safeway and have a union to support me.

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