MOSAIC celebrates four decades

As of September 5, MOSAIC began its 40 day celebration for its 40th anniversary with an informational campaign. During the celebration, MOSAIC will host open houses at all sites

Each day, a piece of history about the organization will be unveiled on MOSAIC’s website. The organization’s Annual General Meeting on September 22nd will also take place during this period. It will end with its signature annual fundraising gala.

“MOSAIC’s achievements cannot be measured merely by the size of the organization or the growth of the organization.  Despite the expansion and diversification in services, despite our geographic expansion, MOSAIC’s legacy is ultimately measured by clients’ success stories,” said Eyob Naizghi, Executive Director.

Naizghi is proud of MOSAIC’s stakeholders’ contributions. 

“What continues to amaze me about the organization is the leadership that exists at every level within our staff to bring about change for the inclusion and participation of the immigrant and refugee communities,” he said.

 For more information, visit

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