Rally will protest federal government’s cancellation of permanent residency for caregivers

To protest against the Trudeau government’s cancellation of the permanent residency for caregivers, a Community Meeting and rally action will be held at the Joyce Skytrain Station in Vancouver on February 24. There will also be an ongoing petition drive.

Recently the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada website announced that caregivers for children and caregivers for those with high medical needs would no longer be eligible for permanent residency if they have not completed 24 months of caregiving work by November 29, 2019.

"This news creates a lot of uncertainty among caregivers and their families," says Natalie Drolet, West Coast Domestic Workers Association Executive Director. She noted the move was made without any consultation with caregivers.

Drolet added it is also unjust because it leaves the caregivers in a state of limbo where some may be afraid to leave abusive working conditions because they might not complete the 24 months in time.

Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen says the caregiver programs are under review and that a "pathway" to permanent residency will remain.

"The 'pathway' is a remnant of the Harper administration. It placed a cap on the number of permanent residents from the caregiver program and it created hurdles that worked to dramatically decrease the number of caregivers able to obtain permanent residency," says Michelle Silongan, Filipino Canadian Advocacy Network Spokesperson.

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