Occupation: Service Representative
Company: G & F Financial Group
Years at position: Since January 2006
Hours: Full time
Salary range: $25 - $30,000
Salary potential: $40,000 and higher as you move into Financial Service Representative position
Best part of job: I work with a great group of people. Also having the flexibility to use decision-making skills and people skills make you feel really good.
Degree: Financial Services Management Diploma
Length of program: Two years
School: Douglas College
Grad year: December 2005
Work placement? Douglas College has a co-op program, which is available to diploma students. But I chose not to do the co-op program but managed to get a job soon after graduation.
Favourite hobbies: Hockey, Snowboarding, Roller hockey - I enjoy sports.
Upcoming vacation plans: San Francisco in May to visit my sister
In five years, I see myself enjoying: My life as a Financial Advisor. More personally, I see myself paying down my mortgage on a home and traveling lots!!