Careers in Accounting & Finance: Eric Owen

Eric Owen
Age: 25


Occupation: Service Representative

Company: G & F Financial Group

Years at position: Since January 2006

Hours: Full time

Salary range: $25 - $30,000

Salary potential: $40,000 and higher as you move into Financial Service Representative position

Best part of job: I work with a great group of people. Also having the flexibility to use decision-making skills and people skills make you feel really good.

Other possible career choices: We come out of the [Financial Management] program after having completed the Canadian Securities Course, which allows you to be qualified to sell mutual funds and give advice on mutual funds. After completing the program, you can become a Financial Service Representative.



Degree: Financial Services Management Diploma

Length of program: Two years

School: Douglas College

Grad year: December 2005

Work placement? Douglas College has a co-op program, which is available to diploma students. But I chose not to do the co-op program but managed to get a job soon after graduation.

Advice: If you are interested in the financial industry, know that there is a lot of potential and many different areas to specialize in. So don’t limit yourself. There are many avenues to take once you are in the industry, and endless possibilities.



Favourite hobbies: Hockey, Snowboarding, Roller hockey - I enjoy sports.

Upcoming vacation plans: San Francisco in May to visit my sister

In five years, I see myself enjoying: My life as a Financial Advisor. More personally, I see myself paying down my mortgage on a home and traveling lots!!

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