My Work My Education: Becky Wong

Becky Wong


Occupation: Vice President

Company name: ABF Financial Services

BG on company: There are four branches that deal with financial planning, wealth management services, mortgage brokerage and business consulting.

Years at position: One year

Hours worked per week: 60 hours

Salary Range: As a financial planner $60,000 – 125,000, but it depends how hard you work

Salary Potential: Again, it depends on how hard you work

Best part of job: Flexibility and independence, i.e. your schedule works around your clients. Another reward is to see your clients achieve their financial goals.


Degree(s): Bach of Commerce Honours degree; CFP (Certified Financial Planner) certification

Length of program: The CFP certification is completed on your own, usually without a classroom setting. The student has one yea to complete it, after which the national proficiency exam must be written and passed.

School: University of Manitoba (BCom)

Work placement: There is usually no work placement for the CFP certification.

Other possible jobs: Working for a wealth management firm or an investment firm. Anything that has to do with finances – mortgage broker, investment advisor, financial planner.

Advice: Most CFPs are independent, so you need to love working with people and be comfortable working with money, build your client base and have the true desire to help and educate people.


Favourite recreational activity: I enjoy reading a good book, spending time with the family, and I love traveling.

Upcoming trips: At the end of January 2006, I’m going to Baha!

In five years, I see myself enjoying: more traveling

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