Careers in Pharmaceuticals: Crystal Clark


Age: 26
Title: Pharmacy Technician
Company: Wal-Mart Canada
Length at position: Just over a year
Hours worked per week: 40 hours.
Salary:  $13 an hour
Best part of job:
I get to deal with customers everyday, such as some people who come in to make it worthwhile for me, even if they are not prescribing.
I moved to Vancouver Island to start anew. I saw an ad on the Sprott Shaw program in the local papers there. I took the entrance exam and it turns out that I was fit for the program. I don’t usually do student loans, but I thought it was worth it.
So far, the most difficult task was the time the pharmacist manager wasn’t in and I had to take care of all the major duties. Working as a Pharmacy Technician, I deal more with mature people whereas when I was a teacher, I had to work with younger people.


Pharmacy Technician certificate and a Teacher Assistant diploma from Ontario.
School: Stratford Career Institute and Sprott Shaw Community College
It’s good to keep an open mind to things, because study-wise, I was not a big science person and originally didn’t want to get into a science program. I didn’t like math either, but the teachers were a great help at Sprott-Shaw.
I previously worked minimum wage at fast food jobs. Now, I am able to work in a career job that pays more, especially in Alberta, where it pays double the minimum wage. Unlike last time, I am now confident in taking bigger steps and complex things.


Favourite activity:
Go for walks, crochet
vacation plans: 
Not at the moment. I just came back from BC in October.
In five years,
I see myself :
I have friends that work in the internet pharmacy, a profession I would like to get into. Personally, I want to settle down more and start a family.

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