Filipino nurse charged in botched lipo surgery

The Philippines government has approved free legal assistance to a Filipina nurse accused of participating in allegedly botched liposuction surgery in Dubai.

The nurse, identified as NC, 33, and six other employees of a private hospital in Dubai have pleaded not guilty in the Dubai Misdemeanours Court to accidentally causing the death of an Emirati woman following the procedure, according to The National newspaper.

The group went on trial on May 21 and, until now, the nurse has had little legal guidance.

Two other Filipina nurses, ML, 38, and GM, 36, were witnesses in the case, said the Benito Valeriano — The Philippines consul general in Dubai.

"Manila supported our recommendations to provide free legal assistance funds for her," Valeriano said.

The foreign affairs department in Manila had also approved funding for legal support for the two witnesses.

This was unusual, said Valeriano, as the legal assistance fund was earmarked only for cases involving capital punishment. "We managed to convince Manila to consider her situation," he said. "She is not covered by the medical malpractice insurance. The doctor, in our opinion, should not have allowed her to perform the procedure."

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for June 11.

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