Campus Scene: Susan Bouphasavanh



Astrological sign: Aquarius

Currently studying: International GMAT at Kaplan English Programs

Favourite Asian restaurant (or food): Pho Hong on Kingsway and Imperial

Last clothing purchased: A jacket from Mountain Equipment Coop

Last shoes purchased: Walking shoes from Coast Mountain Sports

Last accessories purchased: My friend gave me a pair of beautiful, handmade earrings from Korea.

Name of film star you would love to date: I’m not into movie stars


Do you smoke? No, never!

Drink? Yes, I love my whiskey!

Sport hobbies? Skiing and tennis

Other hobbies? Camping, hiking, cooking, reading and whenever I can, traveling

Ever been heart-broken? Unfortunately yes

Are you currently in love? Always….

Current emotional state? Extremely happy

Do you like dancing? Every chance I get

Reading? Absolutely!  I love cuddling up with a good book.

Working out? Once in a while. I do yoga and pilates more on a regular basis.

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