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Racial bullying in Canadian schools prevail due to a lack of education on the nation’s history with white supremacy, says study

Recent study finds religion plays a pivotal role in the day to day lives of new Canadians

Healthcare workers are putting pressure on the federal government to legislate 10 days of paid sick leave for workers

Racial bullying continues to be a major problem in school districts throughout the country 

Canada must expand its Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) program to include international students studying at private colleges

The list of those who aspire to hold the highest office in the Philippines does not disappoint in terms of celebrity or political prowess

The secret wealth of nearly 70 politicians and public officials from 20 countries and territories in Asia has been exposed in one of the biggest leaks of financial documents

Community leaders and new immigrants see hope for working with a minority Liberal government – but the work had to start yesterday, they say

Voters in ridings heavily populated by new immigrants and visible minorities chose people of colour to represent them in Parliament

The commitments by political party leaders to fight racism in Canada during the current election campaign are insincere 


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