Controversial pastor from the Philippines has been granted refugee status in Canada
Mining organizations throughout the Philippines attempt to adopt Canadian civic procedures
New Canadians from South Asia, China and the Philippines are more likely to donate to charitable causes
More than two people were killed every week on average this year defending their right to land and resources
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has asked Congress to extend martial law across the southern third of the country
Glen Wood is suing his employer Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities for wrongful demotion after the birth of his son
Calgary based designer launches new fashion line aimed at growing an equitable market share with Sikhs in Canada
Controversial leader continues to raise red flags as his brutal regime continues to make questionable decisions
Recent survey indicates Canadians have mixed feelings about their relationship with Asian nations
Greenpeace makes plead to Canadian government to remove trash that was dumped in the Philippines in 2013