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The Philippine Department of Labor & Employment and Canadian government recently signed an agreement

Fabian Dawson's three decades of journalism is nothing less than extraordinary, according to his peers

The Asia-Pacific region will be home to the majority of the world’s millionaires by 2014

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Asia has the biggest issue of slave labour 

Premier Christy Clark upcoming 13-day trade mission will  be facing some severe gas pains

For the first time, 500 lambs from Canada will be imported to Singapore for this year's korban ritual

Millions of people in South and Southeast Asia may be at risk of severe arsenic poisoning 

Manny Pacquiao, is working with a Canadian inventor to solve a power crisis in his homeland

India, Malaysia and Indonesia were fleeced to the tune of $517 billion over the past ten years

The Filipino chairman is refuting allegations that he diverted government funds for development projects


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