Careers in Wellness & Care: Roxanne Savard


Age: 47
Occupation:Care Aide
Company: Kamloops Senior Village
Length at position: 1 year.
Hours worked per week: 40 hours.
Salary:  $30,000
Potential Salary: Depends on the location.
Best part of job:
I get to interact and help seniors with their daily lives. What got me interested in this job in the first place is because of my mother-in-law. She inspired me to become a care-aide because she said I had the right personality for it.
I was always interested in working with seniors and this career choice afforded me the opportunity to become hands-on in helping seniors live their lives with dignity and have a higher quality of life.
I do this because I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that I have made a difference in someone’s life. The most difficult part of this career is knowing that because of the age group of the clientelle, there are going to be deaths. Some expected, some not. The real challenge is the balance between your own emotions and the professionalism that must be maintained for the relatives. This job is different because the interaction is a lot more personal, as you are not only dealing with the resident but also the family members who, of course, want the very best for their loved ones. Sometimes it is difficult for them to understand that what they want for their loved ones is not necessarily possible.


Community Support Worker. Assisted Living Diploma
School: Sprott Shaw Community College
Advice: This program allowed me both the opportunity and education to follow my dream of becoming a contributing member of the Health care team. I have the skills that allow my professional career path to encompass both the Social Services sector as well as long term care facilities. I now have the confidence and knowledge needed in a profession that is very diversified


Favourite activity:
Camping, hiking, fishing and riding on the back of my husband’s Harley.
vacation plans: 
We hope to visit Cuba and New Zealand this year.
In five years,
I see myself :
I hope to be doing what I’m doing now. I really love my career and the people I’ve met have been very supportive.
It confirms in my mind that I made the right decision.


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