Careers in Fashion & Marketing: Jamie Kan

Age: 20
Title: Director of Marketing and Sales
Company: Harlingten Fashions Inc.
Length at position: Since January 2007
Hours worked per week: 40 hours
Salary(Potential): $15 dollars an hour plus commission.

Best Part of Job: I get to do different things everyday, such as visiting the factory where the clothes are being made, or meet up with graphic designers. The most fun I have was when I get to cast models with with Mellinda, the designer of Harlingten Fashions Inc.

Inspiration: Near the end of secondary school, I was really interested in textiles and arts. I always watched Jeanne Becker on Fashion Television.

Challenges: Deadlines are some of the challenges I have faced so far because they are set beyond your control. For example, buying season is one deadline we must meet. it involves buyers who go out on the market looking to buy from different lines for their store. If you miss this, you miss the chance of making a huge profit.

Differences: I previously worked at BCBG Max Azria as sales associate and it is similar to my current job as a sales representative by providing customer service. The difference is the type of customer you deal with. When I was a sales associate, I dealt with consumers or general public who are interested in purchasing a product for personal use.


Degree(s) and Schools: John Casablancas Fashion Arts diploma program.

Advice: People shouldn’t have high job expectations right after they graduate. You must be eager to step foot in the industry to acquire work experience. I would suggest starting off working at a level where you could learn the basics of the industry.

Benefits of Program: Personally, I made many new friends in class that I can relate to since we have similar interests. The teachers are really nice and supportive. After I graduated, the teachers were of great help in providing advice and answers to the questions I have.


Favourite recreational activity: All kinds of music, like 80s, hip hop, rap, techno

Upcoming vacation plans:  I hope to visit Hong Kong in April 2007.

In five years, I see myself : Professionally, I like my current job so I’ll just keep working on it and see where it takes me. Personally, I want to be financially stable, hopefully own some property and finally move out from my parent’s  house.


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