Celebrating cultural diversity

Diversity is the strength of the city of Vancouver, and to celebrate its cultural diversity the city is calling for nominations to its annual Cultural Harmony Awards 2008.
The Awards were instituted in 1996 by the City to recognize individuals and organizations that display a significant and sustained commitment to the promotion of cultural harmony in the city of Vancouver.
 “City of Vancouver is committed to encouraging the inclusion and participation of diverse communities in all aspects of civic life,” said Vancouver’s mayor Sam Sullivan. “The City promotes cultural understanding and equity in civic policies, programs and services that impact all cultural communities.”
Nominations of organizations and individuals who are contributing significantly towards building united communities will be accepted until Sept. 18.
There are two categories of awards: individual and organization.
Eligible groups include non-profit organizations, groups or service clubs, educational institutes, hospitals, government departments, unions, professional and trade associations, media organizations and public or private corporations.
The nomination package is available at http://www.city.vancouver.bc.ca/multiculturalism/culturalharmony/index.htm.
Completed nomination packages must be sent to: Equal Employment Opportunity Program, City of Vancouver, 453 West 12th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4.

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