My Work My Education: Steve Law

Steve Law, CMA
Chief Financial Officer
Pyng Medical Corp.


Hours worked per week:
40 to 45
Years at this position: 
3 years

What is the best part of your job?  
The most interesting aspect of my position is being directly involved in the company’s strategic planning and initiatives, but the best part of my position is the ability to apply my skills developed from the CMA program.  Also, as a member of a strategy team, it is fascinating to see how each individual’s contribution affect others and the overall impact on the organization from the collective efforts.

What are some of the challenges you’re currently facing at work?
In regards to the business part of the organization, the challenge is keeping pace with business development while balancing various organizational resources to support growth.  As a public company, the challenge is staying current on regulatory and compliance requirements while planning and preparing for future conformance standards.

How is this position different from other jobs you’ve had?
Pyng Medical Corp. is a public company and a large part of my role involves public regulatory and reporting requirements. These public company requirements include corporate governance, securities and exchange regulatory & compliance, and public reporting requirements.  Suffice to say this was a whole different world for me as I came from a background of mostly private companies.


Degree(s) & Institution: 
Financial Management Diploma from BCIT and a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation from the Society of Management Accountants of BC (CMA British Columbia).
Why did you choose to pursue a CMA?
The CMA program goes beyond accounting and finance and incorporates other valuable skills such as strategic thinking, leadership, communication, problem solving and decision making. The CMA Strategic Leadership Program focuses on applying these skills to all aspects of an organization — it’s not limited to only accounting and finance.

When did you complete your CMA program? 


Favourite recreational activity:

Upcoming Vacation plans:
Southern California

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