RBC earns interational recognition for diversity

TORONTO, March 25, 2010 – RBC’s focused and disciplined approach over these past years has yielded positive results and recognition in diversity and multicultural circles, and now includes the prestigious and internationally renowned Catalyst Award.  RBC president and CEO, Gordon M. Nixon, and Zabeen Hirji, Chief Human Resources Officer, accepted the award on Wednesday March 24, 2010 in New York City.

“RBC recognizes that diversity must be part of the structural and cultural framework of our organization to ensure our longevity and to continue earning our clients’ business and loyalty,” said Mr. Nixon, who has been the company’s most visible diversity advocate.  The global RBC Diversity Leadership Council which Mr. Nixon established in 2001 and still chairs, and a growing team of diversity champions, are part of his vision to ensure that diversity is anchored in all parts of the company.

Ms. Hirji is RBC’s lead diversity strategist, with a focus on leadership development and talent management across the organization.  “If Canada is to become the destination of choice for skilled and knowledge-based workers, professionals and entrepreneurs, we must all do a better job of leveraging the diversity of our current and future workforce,” said Ms. Hirji. “While this may not always be the easiest road to travel, it requires diligence and commitment and it is our chosen path at RBC.”

The Catalyst Award recognizes RBC for successfully integrating diversity into its marketplace, workforce and community strategies. The bank’s diversity strategies can be as broad as matching employees of different backgrounds and at different levels within the organization so that they can learn about diversity from each other, to selecting employees for one of its newest branches that together speak 10 languages to reflect the communities they serve.  “When clients and employees look at us, we want them to see themselves,” Ms. Hirji added.

RBC has implemented other successful strategies that attracted the attention of the Catalyst organization, such as:

• a team of dedicated, accomplished women account managers that intentionally align themselves with women in their communities to enable their success as business owners;
• culturally trained recruitment officers who understand internationally recognized professional credentials and help newcomers to Canada launch their careers in their chosen field;
• a multicultural marketplace strategy that continues to expand, with advice for newcomers wanting to start or grow a business, a dedicated web site on becoming financially established in Canada, a Welcome to Canada Banking Package designed for newcomers, fact sheets available in 14 languages that provide an overview of key consumer needs and advice on financial products, and basic banking telephone service engaging translators who speak over 150 languages.

For Mr. Nixon, the Catalyst Award provides an occasion to express his passion for the bank’s commitment to diversity which he is convinced will drive future prosperity for customers and for the bank.  “Of course, I’m passionate about it,” said Mr. Nixon, “the leaders of our company are passionate about it – and our employees understand it’s one of our core values and part of everything we do at RBC.”

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