Mera Pind: Pooja Bansal

Mrs. Pooja Bansal
Born: Ludhiana, Punjab

Nearest big town: Ludhiana
Population: About 1.7 million people
What’s the place known for: It is known for being the biggest city in Punjab.
How often do you visit: Once every year.
Famous person from there: Famous TV show host Simi Grewal is from Ludhiana.
Last visit: 2010
What has changed: I feel the infrastructure has changed and developed a lot. Malls and multiplexes are very common there now.
What have you done for your hometown: I donate money to blind school there every year.

Born and raised in one of the biggest cities in Punjab Mrs. Pooja Bansal travelled half way across the world to carve out her professional path. In 2004 Mrs. Bansal and her husband decided to move to Canada in the hope of a better and more comfortable life. Growing up in a busy city, Bansal was not alien to a busy and fast-paced life. After finishing a diploma in beauty and aesthetics in India she opened her business in Ludhiana. As she moved an oceans away, she felt comfortable and had the knowledge of operating her own business. Bansal opened Gia’s Beauty and Hair Salon in 2008 after being laid off her part-time job as a receptionist. Even though her work keeps her busy, Mrs. Pooja Bansal still finds time to read her favourite author Shiv Kumar Batalvi and listen to Surinder Kaur’s music. “I love everything about living in Canada especially the weather and the opportunities one gets. One can grow at any age in life here,” says Mrs. Pooja Bansal.

Mera Pind compiled by Jasjot Bhullar.  To be profiled in Mera Pind, send email to


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