Name: Jamie Gao
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Chinese
Astrological Sign: Leo
Studying: Acting
Last Fashion Purchase: dress
Name of Film Star I'd Love to Date: Sun Li
Favourite Restaurant/Dish: Thomas Hass Chocolates & Patisserie
Favourite Vancouver Attraction: Stanley Park
One Thing I'd Love to Try in Vancouver: Snowboarding
Favourite Nightspot: Home
Item I Can't Leave Home Without: Cell phone
Beauty Tip: Be confident and work hard
Gym, Spa or Sport? Spa
Hobbies: Travelling, shopping and cooking
Achievements: Took part in a movie that won the China Gold Rooster & Hundred Flowers
Film Festival Excellence Award; 2013 Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2nd runner-up
Career Goal: To become a successful actress and TV hostess