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Top news

New initiative looks at how some of Canada's biggest employers can play a key role in expediting refugees' integration

As Canada and other western nations hunt for foreign nurses, countries like India and the Philippines are struggling to control a growing exodus of their healthcare workers



With the Consumer Price Index at a 30-year high, most Canadians — including new immigrants — are feeling "stressed and sleepless."

The World Sikh Organisation is demanding that Canada immediately evacuate the remaining Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan, following another terror attack on the community

The current patchwork approach across provinces and territories creates accreditation barriers for immigrants and domestic medical professionals alike

Half in Canada say billionaire Elon Musk buying Twitter will lead to more hate speech on the platform, which is extremely worrying for New Canadians

The study revealed that even for those who have experienced cultural loss, learning about others' heritage remains important

While Canada agrees to reduce child care costs, immigrants with precarious status will likely continue being excluded


Canada’s Sri Lankan community urges Ottawa to investigate the financial holdings of the Rajapaksa clan and bar them from seeking refuge in the country

The ballots of close to 85,000 Filipino-Canadians will be included in the Philippine elections


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