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Top news

Concerns over resource competition, housing, and employment opportunities are brought to the forefront while the public's perceptions of immigration shifts


Canada caps immigration target amid housing crunch and inflation, even as an increasing number of newcomers have opted to leave


New plans come as more Canadians feel the country is taking in too many immigrants which is impacting the housing crisis


According to a new report, renters in B.C. have the highest eviction rates compared to other provinces in Canada

Exploitation, financial distress and other issues are reportedly pushing many international students to take their own lives


An emerging generation of Asian travellers are pursuing travel that will enable them to understand their identity better, states a new study

Asylum seekers come for a better life but in many cases end up homeless when they come to Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doubles down on allegations that India is behind the killing of a Sikh separatist advocate in British Columbia

Losing international students could have significant impacts on Canada’s labour market

More than half of Canadians want the federal government to accept fewer immigrants and international students due to skyrocketing housing costs


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