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Professionals team up to stress the importance of testing amongst new Canadians in the fight against COVID-19

Growing up in Vancouver in the early 80’s as a mixed race kid with a black mother and white father, was not easy for Jason Mackay.

Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination will likely be required in order to travel to Asia in 2021

In order to protect livelihoods around the world we must unite behind the farmers of Punjab

Despite vast socio-economic and political differences, corruption remains one of the key challenges across Asia

Canada should make “employability” a key pillar of its foreign student recruitment drive 

Recent survey finds that nearly fifty percent of Canadians believe current Immigration levels need to be reduced

Canada must double down on attracting more skilled immigrants to counter the effects of an aging population

The switch to the digital classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on new Canadians

Immigration Canada's family reunification policy is scheduled to end on November 3rd


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