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Expanded immigration programs could overburden the country’s already historic visa backlog

Facing a workforce crisis, Canada's military is dropping its citizenship requirements to bolster its ranks with permanent residents

Canada’s immigration system is in “chaos” and needs to be fixed before the country opens its doors wider to more new arrivals, say immigration advocates and lawyers

Canada aims to welcome 500,000 immigrants per year by 2025 with a focus on getting them to small communities where they are needed most

Calls mount for Canada to open its doors wider to immigrants as a new study shows a shift in the labour market driven by an aging population and exacerbated by the global pandemic

Migrant groups urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to provide status for over 500,000 undocumented people in Canada

Canada temporarily lifts the 20-hour weekly work limit for international students to fill over one million job vacancies across the country

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Average Canadian family pays 43% of its income to taxes — more than the necessities of life

Canada’s immigration system was chronically understaffed long before the pandemic began and cannot serve as an excuse for slower processing times indefinitely, say a coalition immigration lawyers


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