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A Filipino caregiver is being forced by red tape in Canada to go back to life of poverty and an abusive husband...

With over 36,200 kilometers of coastline and 7,000 islands, the Philippine archipelago is a drug smuggler’s paradise.

Prior to this case, Canadian courts have refused to grant damages for spousal deceit when a marriage fails.

B.C court orders "cad" of a husband to pay thousands to his wife for abandoning her after he arrived in Canada.

The BC government is injecting millions of dollars in new, dedicated funding into B.C.'s Integrated Gang Task Force (IGTF) to help it continue the crackdown on criminal gangs.

Wang Suwei holds the purse strings in her family. Each month, her husband hands his salary to her.

In the heartland of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Cupid strikes in an unusual way--single boys and girls elope to find their life partners.

Early this March, Grade 12 students from Richmond High School will cross the Pacific to help villagers of the Phouthai and Khamu hill tribes.

“Every child needs to be in a class room where they can succeed.” This simple belief was what carried her through days of leading an illegal job action and possibly land her in jail.

Healthy Families: Nutritionist Ramona Josephson provides vital information on Soya Milk to a young mother whose child hates milk


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