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Community leaders and new immigrants see hope for working with a minority Liberal government – but the work had to start yesterday, they say

Voters in ridings heavily populated by new immigrants and visible minorities chose people of colour to represent them in Parliament

The commitments by political party leaders to fight racism in Canada during the current election campaign are insincere 

Of 338 federal ridings in Parliament, 41 have populations where visible minorities form the majority, compared to 33 in 2015

Elections Canada is urging community leaders and associations to get new Canadians to vote this coming election

Southeast Asian countries need more help securing COVID-19 vaccines, as the region struggles to contain record infections

BC's first public human rights inquiry will examine the disturbing surge of hate during the COVID-19 pandemic

Prospective nurses are finding it impossible to find employment due to their credentials not meeting regulatory standards

This fall, the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants will attempt to regulate the immigration consultant industry with added powers

The growth of the digital economy over the past decade has resulted in a massive labour shortage


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