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Women are finding themselves as principal applicants in Canada’s Express Entry immigration process

New report finds that appointed candidates were less likely to come from a visible minority or Indigenous background

The world has been transfixed by the massive anti-China protests which have shaken Hong Kong in recent months

The RCMP is partnering with the Philippines to help protect children from sexual exploitation

Obesity is rising fast in most parts of Asia, putting strain on healthcare systems and government budgets

The Philippines has declared a "national dengue alert" in several regions of the country

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) will be hit hard as mandatory health insurance premiums are set to rise significantly

Indian and Chinese nationals dominated the total number of ITA applicants for permanent residence in Canada for 2018

Over a million people believe Filipinos are sexier than Brazilians and other Latin Americans

President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drug has lead to the deaths of nearly 7000 Filipinos, many of which are children 


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