Spiral-Cut Honey-Glazed Ham


1. Thaw packaged ham on a dish in the refrigerator.
2. Preheat oven to 325° F.
3. Remove ham from packaging and place on a roasting rack in a pan filled with ½ inch of water.
4. Cover with foil and place in oven. Use a meat thermometer and heat to an internal temperature of 140° F (check temperature in the center of the ham). The heating time is 60 minutes for a 10 to 12-pound ham and 90 minutes for a 14 to 17-pound ham. Ham is fully cooked, so be careful not to overheat as this can result in dryness.
5. Glaze if desired.

There are two ways to glaze:
1. Sprinkle glaze on ham prior to heating.
2. Mix glaze contents in a saucepan with 4 tablespoons of water and warm until sugar crystals dissolve.
Set aside until the glaze thickens. Apply glaze to hot ham prior to serving.  One 6 to 8-pound ham serves 6 to 8, about one pound of ham per person.  If the ham will arrive frozen, please allow to fully thaw before cooking.

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