Desktop dining a poor health choice

Take a break, eating and

working at the same time

expands waistlines
Desktop dining is an example of the growing phenomenon of “meal multi-tasking” — eating while you’re doing something else such as working or driving. It is estimated that 67 per cent of workers eat lunch at their desk. While the main reason is undoubtedly our time-starved lifestyles, the unfortunate consequence is an expanding waistline.

Toronto-based dietitian Daniella Wolf warns that “desktop diners run the risk of weight gain due to the mindless munching and unbalanced food choices they often make.” She explains that if you eat while you are distracted by phone calls, e-mails and spreadsheets, you ignore your fullness cues and tend to overeat. Practicing this habit daily is enough to cause weight gain.

In a time crunch, desktop diners often head for the closest vending machine and their lunch may consist of a chocolate bar or bag of chips (or in some cases, both) These poor nutritional choices wreak havoc on energy levels, nutrient intake and weight control measures.

If you must work through lunch so you can get home before the sun sets, here are some of Wolf’s suggestions for more sensible desktop dining:  Bring a healthy lunch from home. Even if you are busy, you can still munch on nutritious foods and avoid the snacks that do little for your overall health.  Keep your meal portion controlled.


Bring food in single-serve containers so you won’t overindulge if your mind is focused on something else. Since distractions make us mindlessly overeat, ignore your phone calls and turn off your computer monitor.

Lunch is also a social hour. Having lunch with your coworkers or boss is an important way to build relationships, so leave your desk and join the conversation. Skipping the chance to be part of the team and to interact with peers can have a negative impact on your career since work-related dialogue often takes place over pizza or sushi. During lunch, you can develop camaraderie with other employees and make valuable new contacts.

Think of lunch as an extra opportunity to network and get ahead while you take a much-needed break from staring at your computer screen. Your pay cheque — and your waistline — will thank you.
— News Canada
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