Careers in Graphics & Design: James Mouat

James Mouat
Age: 24

Occupation: Game designer
Company: Backbone entertainment, they do handheld video games, with a location in Vancouver and Boston.
Length at position: 6 months
Hours worked each week: Full-time and then some
Salary Range: $30,000 - $40,000
Salary Potential: It ranges greatly, depending on previous experience.
Best part of job: There are lots of interesting parts. You have the freedom to implement  new ideas, working in a team environment, create things you can’t create yourself, but with a team, can create lots of things.

Degree: Electronic Game Art and Design Master’s Certificate
School: Arts Institute
Grad year: 9 months ago
Length of program: It’s 2 years and it’s very intense, just as intense as working in the industry. So it’s a good test. If it got too much, then you know it’s not your thing. By the time it was second year, everybody knew they wanted to be there.
Advice: Work like crazy, especially if you’re trying to get into the industry, make sure you know what’s involved. You are making software, have to be precise and analytical. Most days in meetings, you are writing precise design documents.

Favourite recreational activity: I love taking in concerts
Upcoming vacation plans: Mexico in January for a friend’s wedding
In 5 years, I see myself enjoying my job. I found the career I want to be in, another day at work is exciting…..hopefully in 5 years, this is still where I will be.


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