Careers in Finances & Business: Lisa Cheung


Occupation: Financial Analyst
Company: Government of Canada
Length at position: More than 5 years.
Hours worked per week: 40 hours.

45k - 62k
I have been working in the private sector for a few years and I always like to see how it is different in the public sector. Besides, I always have an interest in knowing how the public funds are being managed. Therefore I elected to join the Federal Department 5 years ago.

The transfer from the private to public sector was not without any difficulty. Just like any kind of new job, there are always teething pains and learning curves. I have to acquire new knowledge and adapt to new environment. Fortunately, the management teams in my new departments have been very supportive and I have received a lot of advice from them, which in turn helps to facilitate the whole learning and emersion process.
In this regard, the important asset is the skills that I have acquired from the CMA Strategy Leadership Program that I am enrolled in. This program has prepared me well with critical thinking and a global view to approach different issues. In one word, it equips me with confidence and the toolbox that I can apply to any new job challenge.


Degree(s) and Schools:
Bachelor of Arts at UBC, CMA candidate
The business world, whether in the public or the private sector, is very competitive nowadays. CMA designations will be very helpful for career advancement. Professionally, CMA helped me think critically and approach problems from various angles. Personally, it built up my confidence level.


recreational activity: Ballroom dancing.
Upcoming vacation plans: I plan to go to China for a river cruise.
In five years, I see myself :
Completing and acquiring the CMA designation. I would like to actively participate in the CMA Association of BC as a good-will ambassador.


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