Careers in Fashion & Communication: Mihaela Ciocan

Company: ImagePro Image Consulting
Title: Professional Image Consultant

Length at position: 3 years with my own company, but have been in the industry for 8 years

Hours worked per week: Approximately 35 hours.

Salary: It depends on your credentials, experience, and how well you market yourself.
Best Part of Job: I get to know people so well, to help them look their best and feel great about themselves. I offer training in visual appearance, verbal and non-verbal communication and etiquette. I provide one-on-one consultations and also workshops for companies on topics such as dressing for success, job interview preparations, and others.
Inspiration: What inspires me the most are the tangible benefits of my clients. I’m dedicated to raising awareness on the importance of image and helping people unlock their full potential.
Sometimes people can be difficult. I advise them on very delicate matters such as personal style, grooming, communication skills and so forth. Therefore I must earn their trust, be honest in a friendly, non-intrusive way and encourage change that does not overwhelm them.
I was a journalist back in Romania. That job gave me a good understanding of people’s needs and expectations. It also helped me communicate efficiently and relate to people in a non-judgmental manner, which helped me a lot in building my career as an image consultant.

Degree(s)/Schools: Fashion Merchandising Diploma from John Casablancas and BA in Journalism and Public Image.

Advice: People should have a more realistic view of the fashion industry. Promoting your image and being professional is a big part of maintaining a career in this industry.
Program Benefits: The Fashion Merchandising Diploma prepares you for any of these careers: stylist, visual merchandiser, buyer, fashion illustrator, designer, store manager, fashion show producer.

Favourite activities: Walk on the beach, relaxing in my home spa
Upcoming vacation plans:  I hope to visit Hong Kong soon.
In five years: I hope to enjoy a healthy life. Professionally, I would enjoy a successful career in image consulting and produce a TV show on image-related topics for people in BC.



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