Careers in Business & Finance: Edmund Wang

Age: 38
Title: Owner of Cranberry Lane
Company’s Name: Cranberry Lane Natural Body Care
Hours each week: 40-50 hours a week
Salary: $35-40k a year in entry-levels
Previous Employment: VP Finance and Operations for Westport Manufacturing
Years of Position: Over 2 years
Best Part of your Career:
I get to help people become healthier by teaching them how to use our products and helping them to personalize what they are making for their individual needs.
At Cranberry Lane we try to be as natural as possible by staying away from harmful chemicals and synthetic preservatives that you find in most body care products. It feels great to hear from people that they are enjoying our products.

The value in contributing to society was the thing that got me interested.
One of the realizations I had is that I not only have the opportunity to make a good living but also to help people become more conscious of the products they are using and the effects these products could be having on their well being. The general goal of Cranberry Lane Body Care is to teach people how to make their own natural body care products in the comfort of their own home using our natural ingredients and recipes.

I used to work for large companies where structure and operational processes already laid out. In a small company like Cranberry lane, I have to build all of that from ground up.
Differences: CMA program offers training that you can not get from anywhere else. It also provides peers with whom you can share ideas and tackle issues together.
I would highly recommend the CMA program if you want to get into any managerial occupation.

School & Degree(s): 2-year program of Strategic Leadership Program, Masters of Science at Lawrence Technological University in Michigan
Program Benefits: I wouldn’t be able to get to where I am without CMA training. It gives me a key to open doors, and the tools to work out solutions to accomplish difficult tasks. It helps to prepare me for greater roles and challenges which lie ahead.

Favorite activity: Golf & hiking
Vacation plans: A trip to Asia in October.
In five years, I see myself: Professionally, expanding our retail operations by franchising. Personally, I have two kids and a wonderful wife. I enjoy every minute I have with them.


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