Making Work Safe: Sandeep Mangat

Sandeep Mangat
Occupational Safety Officer, WorkSafeBC

Languages spoken: English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu
Years with WorkSafeBC: Two
Background: PhD and training in occupational toxicology, specializing in agriculture for more than 16 years

What does a WorkSafeBC officer do?

WorkSafeBC prevention officers make sure workplaces are safe and in compliance with B.C.’s health and safety laws. We provide advice and safety information to employers and workers. We inspect workplaces, often in response to reports of safety violations or that a worker has been hurt.

What do you like about your work?

I enjoy the daily interaction with clients and making a difference to ensure their worksite is safe and healthy. Imparting education via consulting and engaging and encouraging workers to be better informed about health and safety drives me each day.

What should workers new to B.C. know about WorkSafeBC?

Know your rights. Under the law you can refuse to do work that may result in you getting hurt, or worse. If you are injured, you have the right to make a claim to cover your health care costs and wages lost.
You should also know we speak your language if you do not understand English well.

What should employers who are new to BC know about WorkSafeBC?

Understand that you are responsible for ensuring your workplace is healthy and safe for all workers. And you must properly supervise and train employees for the work they do.
Employers also need to register with WorkSafeBC.

How can people learn more about WorkSafeBC?

Workers and employers can go to to find information and safety videos. We also have information in many languages on the website.

To learn more visit or email To talk to someone about health and safety in your workplace, call our Prevention information line: 604 276-3100 or toll-free 1 888 621-7233.


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