My Work My Education: Charlene Lai

Charlene Lal, CMA
Manager, Regional Programs
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)


Hours worked per week: 37.5 hours

Years at this position:
I’ve had the opportunity to hold a variety of positions with the Agency and have been with the department for 12 years. Since 2007 I’ve held primarily management positions - this past November I started a new role as Manager, Regional Programs.

What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is working with a strong and dynamic team. It is extremely fulfilling to work with a team where everyone is supportive of each other and gives 110 per cent. I also really enjoy the continuous learning. Being fairly new in my current position, I am learning a lot about various programs within CBSA and gaining a much broader perspective of the organization.
What are some of the challenges you’re currently facing at work?
One of my major challenges is staying apprised of emerging issues within the various portfolios I am responsible for. The team I manage is operational in nature, and requires me to constantly balance divisional needs with organizational program integrity and stakeholder needs, both internal and external. This balancing act is something the CMA Strategic Leadership Program™ really focuses on and was one of my key take-aways.

How is this position different from other jobs you’ve had?
This position is different as I get to see firsthand how the decisions of government - both federal and provincial - really impact organizational change. This is also the first time that I’ve managed a team where everyone is not located in the same office.


Degree(s) & Institution:
I graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology. I also successfully completed the CMA Strategic Leadership Program™ and obtained my Certified Management Accounting (CMA) designation.

Why did you choose to pursue a CMA?
I chose to complete the CMA program, as I wanted to learn more about both the financial and strategic aspects of business. While having a strong accounting focus, the Strategic Leadership Program has a multi-disciplinary approach by integrating a variety of subject matters such as human resources, IT and marketing. This technical knowledge is further developed through studying “soft skills”, such as leadership and team building. It really is the complete package!

When did you complete your CMA program? 2009


Favorite recreational activity:
I love traveling and try to take a holiday for several weeks every year or two. I love learning about new countries, their history and being exposed to new cultures.

Upcoming vacation plans:
I recently went away for a month and spent the first week in Tahiti and the remaining three weeks in New Zealand. I have a trip planned to Las Vegas, but nothing major planned yet for this year.


In five years, I see myself (both professionally and personally):
In five years, I see myself having a much greater understanding of work-life balance. On a personal level, I’d like to be taking more time for myself and doing things I’ve always wanted to do as I check things off my bucket list. With work, I see myself in a management position for the long-term rather than moving from position to position and I hope to be making a significant contribution to my organization.


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