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Over 700,000 people expected to attend Khalsa Day parades, to mark the Sikh New Year and Spring Harvest

In B.C. and Ontario, organizations are taking steps to fight caste-based discrimination. The decisions are contentious in South Asian diaspora groups

Many surveys suggest that Canadians firmly believe grocery chains are profiteering from food inflation 

You know you’ve been in Ottawa too long when you forget what saving money means

The feds have earmarked millions to hasten residency and citizenship applications, as well as diversity and inclusion initiatives

The so-called “grocery rebate,” a one-time handout to the needy, won’t do much for Canadians over time

Canada is slowly marching towards a carbon tax of $170 per metric tonne by 2030

The Trudeau government continues to doll out bonuses at an alarming rate

Having strong ties to Canada and proof of exceptional circumstances are two keys to putting forth a winning case

As we progress into 2023, it has become apparent that no one has a clear strategy for Afghanistan


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