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The aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan has been the emergence of new attitudes and practices

Asians increasingly think retirement should be funded by the individual, a departure from the traditional thinking

A recently retired chairman of a major Chinese steelmaker is currently under investigation 

Catholic prelates have joined calls by civil society groups to pursue legal action over a Marcopper spill in 1996

Two civil liberties groups are challenging the federal governments new immigration policy 

Recent poll indicates women are less likely than men to support investment in major Asian markets

A Metro Manila suburb is s rushing legislation to ensure Canadian waste is not disposed in their local landfill

The first full picture of the Express Entry system implemented by Immigration Canada shows that only one in 10 applicants succeed.

If the LNG markets remain depressed, Petronas may shelve its Canadian venture

Recent survey results find Filipinos and Indians are extremely concerned about climate change 


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