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Top news

Potential skilled migrants are being kiboshed from entering Canada due to technicalities

The four in and four out rule unfairly discriminates and labels temporary foreign workers as disposable

Recent poll suggests Canadians are leery of Chinese investment within the Canadian economy

Canadian firms continue to illegally ship trash to the Philippines despite warnings by the Filipino government 

Canadian investors are proposing a spectacular plan to build a floating airport to serve Bali

Under sunny spring skies, thousands of people celebrated Vaisakhi or Khalsa Day on Sunday, May 17 in La Salle, Quebec


Reports indicate at least 41 lawyers and 18 judges have been murdered in the Philippines since 2001

Labor groups in the Philippines are demanding the Canadian goverment take back an illegal trash shipment 

Manila has dropped its demand on the Canadian government to take back an illegal trash shipment

Long awaited super fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather will take place on May 2nd


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