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A record number of Filipino caregivers in Canada are expected to become permanent residents by 2014

Volunteers are making a difference in the central Philippines, after Typhoon Haiyan slammed into the region a week ago

Stephen Harper has announced additional support for emergency relief activities in the Philippines

Irene Icao is strugglig to come to grips with the death of her five children at the hands of Typhoon Yolanda

Harbinder Singh Sewak was recently awarded a top media prize at the World Sikh awards 

Canadian enthusiasm for engaging Asia is decreasing and our concerns about China in particular are increasing

Filipinos seeking to study in Canada got to explore education opportunities available to them  in Manila recently

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, including some from Canada, are making a big push in Asia

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Canada's Riza Santos is a front runner to be crowned the winner of this year's Miss Universe competition


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