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Activists are alarmed over the over the spate of government-sanctioned landgrabbing cases in the Philippines

Foreign students and tourists from India are being hit hard by the ongoing strike of Canadian visa officers

India has announced that it is exploring options for sourcing coal from British Columbia

A survey conducted by Nielsen has revealed that looking good is important to the Asian woman

Canadians who need stem cell transplants may soon find their wait for a donor getting shorter

Indian outsourcing firms such as IGate Corp, Tata and Infosys are facing backlash from protestors

A Canadian expat resident has been arrested for overstaying his visa in Phuket and faces a hefty fine

A collaboration between VIA Rail and the ICC has resulted in 1,500 new citizens travelling by train to explore Canada

CIDA has pledged a total of US$4.2 million in humanitarian aid to causes in Myanmar

Almost half of Canada’s richest residents are new immigrants or first generation Canadians


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