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A recent survey ranked Makati City as the 3rd most promiscious city in the Phillippines 

Vancouver-based businessman Sanjay Goel has spent the last nine years trying to bring his mother’s killers to justice.

Canada’s Ambassador to the Philippines Christopher Thornley welcomed the signing of the Framework Agreement

Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL) is dropping its flights to the so-called “sin city” of Las Vegas

Tens of thousands of people in the US and Canada have been forced to pay high service charges at Indian missions

Philippines Airlines (PAL) is reporting brisk sales for its new flights from Manila to Toronto

Sikhs are banding together to persuade the Canadian military to allow the formation of the Sikh Cadets

Hackers using a Remote Access Trojan named Mirage have been engaged in a cyber espionage campaign

Canada has forked out $11.8 million in funding over two years for 11 bold ideas from innovators 

Last year Manila was in the bottom five for three indices: purchasing power, wages and prices.


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