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Canada is exploring investment ventures in the Philippines through public-private partnership (PPP) projects

Born on January 17, 1950 to a poor family, Antonio Meloto was raised with little but taught to give much.

Pinoy’s around the world outraged at their boxing hero Many Pacquiao, being ‘robbed’ of his welterweight title

Protests have erupted globally against Canada’s moves to eliminate a massive backlog of immigration applications

Many prominent figures were winners at the fourth annual Top 25 Canadian Immigrant awards

Richard Marcus, says he ripped off US$20 million from the world’s gaming tables over more than two decades

“Our government is committed to growing our economy to create jobs for British Columbians,” - Christy Clark

B.C. Premier Christy Clark is in Asia this week on a crusade to create more jobs and trade opportunities for the province

Due to a retiring workforce, experts also predict a skilled labour shortage of up to 160,000 workers by 2015. 

The Piping Opportunities for Women program provides assistance to females looking to pursue a new career


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