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Li Dongzhe has returned to China and turned himself in according to Beijing's Ministry of Public Security

Mary Dawson, has warned MPs not to accept tickets to a style show being staged by the Falun Gong group

Everyone agrees that sex-based abortion is a repugnant practice that needs to be condemned.

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What would you do if someone you did not know spins malicious lies about you on the internet?

Satnam Waheguru were the last words that flashed across Jassi's terrified eyes before her death

2012 promises to be what experts and economists are already calling the “yo-yo” year.

Filipinos are asking Vacouver City Hall to officially declare an area in the city a “Pinoy Town”.

If Canada were to legalize marijuana the impact on border crossings would be immense

Former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was charged with electoral fraud charges last weekend

The Philippine government could unveil a comprehensive mining policy by the end of 2011


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