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Top news

Experts raise concerns about increased work hours for international students after recent legal changes

“To go from 75% of newcomers obtaining citizenship to only 45% is simply shocking,” - Institute for Canadian Citizenship

The Information and Communications Technology Council is preparing Canadians for a predicted 250,000 jobs in the digital economy

British Columbia needs a comprehensive strategy, to address the staggering number of job openings expected over the next ten years, states a new report

Waiving eligibility requirements for nearly half a million visitor visas will erode public confidence in the integrity of Canada's immigration system and rules

Migrant Rights Network says there are over 500,000 undocumented migrants in Canada due to a lack of access to permanent residency

Inflation affects Canadians differently and the people who struggle most are the recent immigrants

Response by new Canadians to join the military has been “very encouraging”, says Canadian Forces Recruiting Group

Expanded programs must be followed with timely processing of applications to get workers to Canada, say immigration advocates and employers


Parliamentary Committee makes sweeping recommendations to fix the immigration system that systematically disadvantages certain populations based on race and country of origin



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