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By day, Vancouver is one of the world’s most beautiful cities but by night the negative vibe of our club scene leaves people cold.

His ethnicity: Chinese; Her ethnicity: German-Canadian

Angelus says: "I really like the German influence on an Asian culture.

So you have seen the tropical jungles of Malaysia on TV. And yes you want to enjoy the nights below the tropical star-filled night listening to the chorus of the cicadas.

The resort’s undersea restaurant - the only one of its kind in the world - was voted the Best Innovative Concept prize.

Susan Bouphasavanh; Ethnicity: Thai; Astrological sign: Aquarius; Currently studying: International GMAT

BC Fashion Week announces production and release of two projects aimed at promoting innovations and trends in sport and outerwear in Western Canada.

Until last week, no one had the facts on class size in B.C.'s public schools. Now, thanks to the most comprehensive report ever produced by the Ministry of Education, we have the facts.

EXCLUSIVE: Jassi's love letter to Mithu on Valentine's Day and photos of her killers in this modern day tale of Romeo and Juliet.

US grand jury indicts former Bank of China managers and their wives over a scheme to defraud the state-owned bank of US $485 million.

"My parents worked hard like many immigrant I learned from them how important it is to persevere through difficult situations."


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