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When self-styled Lebanese billionaire Najem declared that he was donating US 275 million for cancer research in Malaysia, the alarm bells started ringing in Winnipeg.
Sappani can compare his new country with the one he left behind. Everything from climate to food, to clothing is different. Including financial planning.
"My mother knew her story," said the Port Moody actress, who is playing the star role in the CBC production, a film loosely based on the life of Jaswinder Kaur.
It never fails to amaze how some in the Press, who claim to drive vehicles for social change hide behind the facade of freedom of speech when things go awry.
Lee Kuan Yew was reported yesterday to have said he plans to run for re-election in the city state's next parliamentary polls, but that they will be his last.
Former Malaysian deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim is suing his former boss, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, over remarks describing him as a 'gay' and a 'sodomiser'.