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My room mate introduced me to him and later exclaimed “you should have met him ages ago…he’s totally the male version of you!”

Lee Kuan Yew was reported yesterday to have said he plans to run for re-election in the city state's next parliamentary polls, but that they will be his last.

Former Malaysian deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim is suing his former boss, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, over remarks describing him as a 'gay' and a 'sodomiser'.

Professional wrestler Gail Kim, a Korean Canadian who signed onto Total Nonstop Action (TNA), will return to Seoul to greet her legion of South Korean fans.

B.C. dad cries cover-up as bizarre legal situation prevents pilot from being extradited to face charges.

Come June 8, it will be six years since Maple Ridge beautician Jaswinder Sidhu was killed after she married a man against the wishes of her family.


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