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VPD Chief Steve Rai will helm the BC Association of Municipal Chiefs of Police as its new president

Canada faces a tough road at the 14th edition of the Men’s Field Hockey World Cup championships 

Warning issued to overseas foreign workers of a scam targeting prospective cruise ship employees

Canada will be pumping $17.5 million to empower women and girls in the Philippines 

Over two million people, who entered Canada between October 2009 and March 2015 are involved in a class action lawsuit

 HSBC study ranked Canada as the fourth best country in the world for expats, behind Singapore, New Zealand, and Germany

Long-running RCMP investigation  leads to arrest of alleged child pornographer in Saskatoon

Canada has become the second country in the world, after Uruguay, to fully legalize the use of cannabis

A growing driver-shortage crisis is threatening to put the brakes on the transportation industry

An increase in Indian food products will allow Vancouver’s culinary reputation to grow globally


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