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Longtime CBC Vancouver reporter Michelle Eliot has been named host of BC Today on CBC Radio One

Ultra-high-net-worth individuals in Asia are eyeing Canada as a safe bet for their investments

Across Canada’s university campuses, it is hard to miss products from Vancouver-based Herschel Supply Company

Canada’s largest pension funds are fixing their gaze on Asia Pacific to fund the beachfront retirement dreams

His Highness the Aga Khan has a long-standing relationship with Canada to the 1950's

The Aga Khan’s visit to Vancouver this weekend is expected to attract over 100,000 people 

Sukhwinder Singh Mithu continues his fight to bring justice for those responsible in the killing of his wife

Across the continent, 64 percent of the fisheries’ resource base is at a medium to high risk from overfishing

Sixty-Five percent of janitorial staff who work at schools, malls, and office buildings in the metro region are of Filipino descent

New survey of international students reveals Canada is fast catching the U.S. and U.K.  


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