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India refuses to use ancestry websites to identify any potential illegal immigrants within its borders

Despite its economic success India continues to be crippled by overwhelming poverty

Indian intelligence agencies have warned the government that terror outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), and Hizbul Mujahideen could be planning to carry out terror strikes in Jammu and New Delhi during the nation’s Independence Day celebrations on August 15,

A new web platform has been launched to help protect migrant workers from abusive employment practices

Canadian immigration officials are using DNA testing and ancestry websites to try to establish the nationality of migrants

Rodrigo Duterte has presided over a disturbing regression on human rights since coming to power

A Canadian gunned down in Batangas City was preparing to flee the Philippines following an ugly property dispute

New wave of killings targeting priests and local officials fueling speculation of possible state-sponsored killings

The majority of Filipinos oppose the civil union of same-sex couples according to recent private poll

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