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Top news

UBC and SFU awarded an honorary doctorate of law degree to His Highness the Aga Khan this past week

The Philippines is a source country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor

Immigration policy, though painfully rigid is beginning to evolve to meet the needs of Canadian corporations

Duty-free shopping limits for overseas Filipino workers may increase to $4500 USD through  the DFP program

Canada's Ismaili community recently gathered across the country to engage in a day of civic engagement 

India has launched the world’s biggest public health scheme promising free coverage for its poorest citizens

Canadians joined the international community to rush aid to the Philippines this week 

The majority of international students in Canada want permanent residency, according to a recent survey

Canada is eyeing a free trade deal with the ASEAN bloc, as US president Donald Trump continues to threaten to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Vancouver buisnessman tells his horrific tale of mistaken identity from the summer of 2011


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