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Argentina, Georgia, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, and the Philippines comprise an unlikely list

Filipinos abroad are being urged to do their part in achieving peace in the Philippines by becoming “agents” of growth

Canada has introduced a faster and simpler visa processing mechanism for students from four Asian countries 

Asia's universities are continuing to rise in prominence relative to established Western counterparts

Provincial Nomination Programs are fulfilling objectives by bringing in immigrants with the correct skill set

Report indicates the need for Canada to continue pushing for expanded trade with Asian based countries

Asian nations are embracing marine aquaculture as the solution for depleting wild stocks

Recent study indicates India, Bangladesh,  Philippines and Pakistan are some of the least peaceful countries on Earth

India is accusing Canada of shielding drug fugitives wanted in connection with an international narcotics syndicate 

Go west young men and women. That is the message from Bruce Ralston Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology for BC


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